

Reliable power for when you need it most.

Feel confident that your family is safe from storms and outages through reliable, energy-conscious technology solutions, and be less reliant on the grid.


Stop overpaying for energy costs


Emergency power in case of power outage.


Become less reliant on the power grid


15 + Year Product life span with unparalleled support.


Why Choose Fortress Power?

Fortress Power products use the latest cell technology that provides higher efficiency and a longer life span than other systems. The chart below compares the Fortress Power Lithium Iron Phosphate solution to other systems on the market.

Fortress Power Solution
Other Lithium-ion Solutions
Lead Acid
ApplicationsBackup Power, time of use, self-consumption, and off-gridBackup Power, time of use, self-consumption, and off-gridBackup PowerBackup Power
Depth of Discharge100% 100% 50%N/A
Battery ChemistrySafe TechnologyPotential thermal runway or firingRisk of harmful gasses Environmental Pollution
Life Cycles8,000+ (15+ years) 3,000 500-1,000 N/A
Warranty10 years 10 years 6 months 2 years
Fuel cost $0$0$0$70-$130 per day
MaintenanceNoNoEvery 6 months Yes
Energy Cost ($/kWh)0.14 0.300.650.50

You may wonder why your solar system shuts off when the grid goes down. During power outages, the utility grid also mandates solar systems to turn off. This prevents the ability for your solar system to feed power to the grid and to your home/ business. A solar storage battery system can automatically isolate your solar system from the grid and will keep your family and business up and running.

When looking to choosing the right solar battery, you want to look at the battery chemistry, depth of discharge (DoD), life cycles, efficiency, and cost. Fortress Power focuses on safe and long-lasting Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP or Life04) technology, which is designed to last 15+ years. Our large network of well-trained installers will provide you a customized solution based on your need.

Find out how Fortress Power Solution can lower your energy cost.

$ 0
Annual Energy Savings
Energy Generated Annually
0 +
Installed Units
0 +
Achieved Grid Independence
Fortress Power

Maximize Your Savings

Our integrated battery backup power solutions have helped homeowners save over $6 million dollars in energy costs.

How It Works

Here’s how we can save you money and protect the environment.


Meet Your Certified Installer

Contact us and get connected with a highly trained and licensed professional installer.


Talk To Our Team

Customize your backup system to meet your goals and receive your free quote.


Rely on Safe Backup

Reliable energy that is safe for the environment, lower energy costs, becomes grid independent with a 10 year product warranty from Fortress Power.

Have questions? Call :877-497-6937
Have questions? Email: [email protected]

A Quote Today!

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