August 2019

Case Study: Montego Bay, Jamaica 3


Ward’s Power Tools, located in Montego Bay, Jamaica, is one of the largest retailers of generators and heavy-duty construction equipment on the island. They have used a solar + storage system to provide power to the store since 2015.

The solar + storage system at Ward’s ran smoothly until recently, when the flooded lead-acid batteries that acted as storage and back-up were no longer maintaining the load throughout the night. The owner of the store, Howard Ward, needed a robust, compact and reliable replacement for the lead-acids.

Ward approached veteran solar installer Morris Hutchinson of Alternative Energy Plus for his input on the problem. Hutchinson recommended replacing the current storage solution with safe, affordable Fortress Power batteries. He knew that the Fortress batteries would take up less space, require little to no maintenance and keep the power running all day and night at the store.

The upgrade of Ward’s system entailed replacing 24 x 6volts (820AH) flooded batteries with 3 of Fortress Power’s eVault 16.5 batteries.

AEP Install

The system consists of:
-20.4kW hybrid Schneider inverters
– 14kW of grid-tied Fronius inverters (20kW array total) AC coupled to the Schneider inverters
– 49.5kW of storage (3 x eVault 16.5)
– 20.6kW of PV array that is DC coupled using charge controllers

The energy usage of the building is 90-150kWh per day which is covered entirely by the solar power system.

Grid usage is reduced to rental of the meter from the utility.


Matt Hager Photography


Greg & his family live in a remote location in the beautiful mountains of western North Carolina. Living on top of a mountain in a secluded location comes with a host of benefits, but the family encountered one major drawback as they prepared the site to build their home: the closest grid power was a mile away.The utility company estimated that it would cost $40,000 to run power to their home, and so they began looking for more cost-effective options. The more they looked into alternate solutions, the more obvious it became that going off-grid and using solar was the best option for them.

Greg enlisted Cape Fear Solar Systems out of Wilmington, NC to design and install the family’s solar power system. Cape Fear recommended using two Fortress Power LFP-15 batteries to power the home, as the chemistry of the batteries is much safer than others on the market.

Recently, Greg decided to upgrade his system to incorporate the Fortress eVault 16.5k battery. The eVault not only has a higher load capacity, but it has a number of other features that were attractive to Greg: an LCD screen that displays pertinent technical information, a competitive price, added overheat and overcharge protections and a longer lifespan.

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“There a lot of times we forget we have solar, which is a good thing” says Greg. The Fortress batteries are usually at 100% charge by 11am, allowing the family to seamlessly power their home throughout the day.

The family is 100% off-grid with solar, heat from a wood stove, radiant floor heat with a tankless hot water system, additional tankless hot water for bathrooms and kitchen, a gas stove and a gas dryer.

Greg’s solar system powers his 2,000 square foot home and a separate 30’ x 40’ garage. It consists of thirty 285w LG solar panels, Outback inverters, Outback Flex Max 100 charge controllers, a Generac 22kW generator, and 2 eVault 16.5k batteries.

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A young family living on the island of St. Croix was looking to cut electricity costs and guard against an unreliable grid. As Airbnb hosts with frequent guests, it was especially important to keep the power running seamlessly. With the abundance of sunshine on the island, the family decided that a solar power system with battery back-up was their best option.

They reached out to experienced solar designer & installer Mike Bruno of Energy Wise Strategies to help them achieve greater independence and significantly cut their electricity consumption from the grid. Bruno has over 30 years of solar design & installation experience and has installed countless systems in the Caribbean. He operates three different companies, his most recent company being Solar Wise Strategies, which is based in Puerto Rico.

Bruno readily recommended installing a solar energy system with a safe, cobalt-free, Fortress Power battery. Specifically, Bruno recommended the Fortress ESS, which consists of the eVault 16.5 + Sol-Ark 8k hybrid inverter. This turn-key solution is affordable, has a large power capacity and is easy to install.

Now complete, the family’s reliable, DC coupled solar + storage system consists of 18 Silfab 320w solar panels mounted on 3 SnapNrack rails, a Sol-Ark 8k hybrid inverter and a Fortress 16.5k 48V battery.

Bruno & his team built a concrete hurricane-proof room for the ESS to provide extra security for the system (pictured below).

The Fortress ESS allows the family’s Airbnb space to run off-grid for 18 hours a day and provides back-up storage in the event of an outage.

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