San Diego Community Power

San Diego Community Power (SCDP)’s new battery savings program now pays homeowners to add solar and battery systems!

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You can earn an upfront incentive of up to $10,000 by participating in the SDCP Solar Battery Savings Program. In addition, receive over $2,000 annually in performance incentives.


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Earn money while reducing your home’s monthly energy bill

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Protect your home against adverse weather and outages

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Enhance your impact by making the grid operate more efficiently


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Install a Fortress Power battery and inverter system with a SDCP approved contractor in SDCP territory.

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Authorize Fortress Power to monitor your home energy
consumption and dispatch your battery for 2 hours daily.

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Get Paid

Fortress will schedule your battery to reduce your utility bill in accordance with SDCP program requirements. SDCP will send you quarterly checks for selling energy like a mini power plant.

Ready to get started?



Upfront incentive of $350/kWh of nameplate usable capacity.

That’s $10,000 off a 39.2 kWh
Avalon battery system!


We optimize the amount of energy your battery discharges to ensure the greatest possible revenue while keeping enough in reserve to reduce your energy bill and provide backup.

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Participation incentive of $0.10/kWh
based on battery performance.

That’s over $2,100 additional revenue in
year one with a Fortress Power
39.2 kWh Avalon battery system.


  • Solar panels charge your battery during the day.
  • SDCP pays you $0.10/kWh for using your battery during peak times instead of going to the grid.
  • SDCP will send you quarterly checks based on your energy usage.
  • Fortress Power schedules your battery to discharge excess power for you during peak times, allowing you to maximize your energy savings.
  • Fortress Power will not dispatch your battery during a weather event.


Homeowners are eligible for the SDCP Solar Battery Program if they:

  • Must be an active SDCP residential customer 
  • Fortress Power equipment must be interconnected and permitted by the appropriate local permitting jurisdiction.
  • Fortress Power Battery must be fully charged by on-site solar (no grid charging allowed).
  • Fortress Power Battery cannot simultaneously be participating in any other active demand response programs.
  • Own the following hardware. Must be installed after the SDCP application is submitted:

Avalon Battery

Avalon Inverter

Avalon Smart Energy Panel

Already have a Fortress Power System?

If you are an existing solar (NEM) customer and interested in expanding your system and addingbattery storage you are eligible for the upfront and performance incentives.

Want to get a Fortress Power System?

Complete the form below and we will connect you with one of our Certified Installers
